Monday, May 7, 2012

Greatest Blog in the Yankiverse

Was Watching.


  1. lackaperspectiveMay 7, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    I read this blog entry with some interest, until I got to the following paragraph:

    Further, back in 2005, when I first saw the movie “Fever Pitch,” I thought to myself “This is a film that a diehard fanatic of a team can appreciate as it depicts so many moments that we all share and emotions that we all have inside us – again, as fanatics of a particular team.” And, the same thing applies to “The Juju Rules.”

    Clearly, this blogger is not a true Yankee fan, as no true Yankee fan would ever be able to identify any movie which glorifies the worship of the Bahston Red Sawx. Regardless of any merits of said movie.

    Truly, an appalling lack of perspective. If you must read a yankee blog, head over to Bronx Goblin.

  2. lackaperspective's 100% right. The Fever Pitch reference nullifies the whole post.


  3. Bronx Goblin - nice site. I did check it out. Funny stuff!

    Bronx Goblin & Cheers - go back and read what I wrote here:

    Quotes therein:

    Like I said, I find Yankees disappointments to be painful and warranting an immediate and permanent mental-palate cleansing (when possible).

    Therefore, you can imagine my reaction when approached to review Fever Pitch, the Red Sox Collector’s Edition DVD, which was released on September 13, 2005.

    This is a film where one of the main characters is a devout Boston Red Sox fan and the story takes place during the 2004 season (where the Sox defeated the Yankees and went on to win the World Series).

    Why in the world would I want to watch this DVD? Would someone who just lost a beloved pet want to watch My Dog Skip a few months after? Would someone just bitten by a shark want to run out and watch Jaws?

    At the time, he recommended the movie to me and said that I would enjoy it if I substituted anything “Red Sox” with “Yankees” because the male lead was a character that I could relate to as a fellow baseball diehard. I replied with something along the lines of “I’d rather have root canal and a colonoscopy at the same time while reading an IRS Tax Guide than watch the Red Sox win again, even if it just in a movie.”

  4. Hart - thanks for the kind words about the blog. GREAT job with your book. And, keep up the super job with your blog. The circle of Yankees bloggers over the age of 40 is a small one. And, it's great to have you in it.

  5. nice blog steve. can you do hart a favor and take mustang?

  6. Wilbur,

    "“I know your name. Your name is Unimportant.”" -- Lil Wayne

  7. you are the s*** & that's the only thing that smells around you.


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