Saturday, May 5, 2012

This Is Absurd

My bus ticket to El Colomo, a farming community in south mexico, arrived today.  I will be headed out of town on Tuesday.  The bus ride is about 3 days and change.

From El Colomo ( the natives call it "El") it is a 6 mile walk to the ball fields, and the close-by support system ( i.e. Rosie's Bar and the famous, "Dirt Field League grand Hotel ") that helps us thrive.

A room ( bath and shower are shared, one flight up ) is $13 per night.  One meal is included, and you can use the washing machine once a
week ( Thursday nights from 7pm-2:00am ).  The drier is available each morning at dawn ( the sun).

Speaking of old and dirty laundry, I expect to see a number of washed out Yankee draft picks there.  Two years ago, Brien Taylor showed up, apparently out on bail.  He couldn't pitch a lick, but  was a decent second baseman for a lefty. But I digress.....

I thought I would re-construct the basis of this year's demise, one more time, and for the record ( before the rubber hits the road, so to speak ).  The truth is that my predictions became a curse of accuracy and, therefore, I am largely responsible for the 2012 Yankee collapse.  My command of the principles of negative Ju-Ju deserted me.  Worse; they turned on me and, therefore, on us.

 I will have to draw upon a rapidly failing memory, as I do not know how to source the original draft of my pre-season predictions for this 2012 Yankee season. The experts at IIH  HQ can source this document, if they deem it wise to do so, for verification. But be warned, you may surface additional accurate, and unwanted, predictions.

Among my predictions:

1.  Pineda was injured from the get-go and Seattle knew it.  Further,  Pineda would not come north from spring training with the Yankees.
2.  Pineda, in fact, would have arm surgery and miss the season.
3. The 19 year-old , top-prospect throw in ( for Noesi, in fact ) would never pitch for the Yankees (see El Duque's article today on the MRI talk now surrounding him).
4.  That Hughes was not good enough to start and might barely be good enough for 6th inning mop up work.
5.  That Tex could not and would not bunt ( he lied to everyone when he said he was working on it).
6.  That the "killer B's" ( Brackman is already gone ) were a fraud.  Bettances will never find an arm slot for his pitches ( only Randy an equally excessive height...was ever able to do so ), and Banuelos was highly over-rated and due for arm trouble.
7.  That we would not get a monster season ( ever again ) from A-rod and would rue the day we didn't keep Jesus as our DH.
8.  That the Yankees were an aging team of former super-stars and a key injury or two away from disaster ( Joba, Brett, Mariano, Swisher, Romine, etc ).
9. That our depth in the minors was laughable, and that we would not see this season one young, exiting player to generate excitement and hope.
10.  That Cashman would be gone after this year.

There were more, but I can't remember.  It is enough for a lifetime.

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