Thursday, May 10, 2012

What hurts the most? Introducing the Yankee Fan Pain Index

What events create the most Yankee pain? (I'm excluding injuries, rather than give the juju gods any ideas.)

1. A blown save, (reminder of Mariano.)
2. A hot smash that finds an overshifted infielder, (reminder of our inflexibility.)
3. A big game by Jesus Montero in Seattle, (reminder of trade.)
4. Dearth of hitting by middle of order.
5. Starter bombed.
6. Squandering multi-hit game by Jeter.
7. Error by Nunez.
8. TIE: Ian Kennedy victory in Arizona/Austin Jackson hitting in Detroit.
9. Big game by AJ Burnett, (may exist only in theory.)
10. Seeing Freddy in bullpen.

1 comment:

  1. 4
    Over and over again.
    When we don't score 10 or more we usually score 3 or less.


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