Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why did the NJI show a delayed impact on the Yankees?

Lately, a few posters and commenters - you know who you are - have refused to accept that the Yankee four-game winning streak came directly on the heels of last week's IT IS HIGH National Juju Intervention (NJI.) They contend that the Yankees lost the game in which the NJI was held, so it obviously had no impact.

These people are fools.

Yes, it's true that the Yankees lost that first game against Kansas City. Point for the doubters. But it saddens me how some people today view juju as a light switch. They expect to shake a beer at the TV and see Mark Teixeira abruptly hit a home run. That's ridiculous. It doesn't happen. Except for when it does.

What happens is the juju waves you generate by doing whatever you do in front of your TV, radio or Yanklee communication device flies into a wormhole - we all know about wormholes - merges with billions of other fans' juju, sort of like sperm cells flocking around an egg. One lucky juju fertilizes the Yankee victory. But it might not happen instantaneously. We're still studying this.

What we do know is that the Yankees are 4-0 since the NJI.

Four and oh, baby. Ringadingding.


  1. If you said 4-1, I would have to grudgingly respect your position. But as things stand, this effort of yours is so full of Scientology it's a disgrace.

  2. Is Scientology 4-0? I think not. Give credit where it's due, Mustang.


    Of course the NJI had ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT ... none .... because there's no such thing as juju, no such thing. ... Absolutely none. This little winning streak (now up to 5 games, BTW) is all just good 'ol American top-notch baseball playing. Juju ... now really, Duque. The NJI was just a few people having some fun ... and if we happen to have one or two more near the end of the season or in mid-October, it's just to have a little fun. See? Just some fun!

    (Bragging about the juju, Duque?!? Don't you remember what happened when Vidal Sassoon died? We were running three straight B-list celebrity death wins, and leading in a fourth until YOU ANNOUNCED IT IN MID-GAME and WE LOST! ... Follow your own rules, man!)

  4. I think Commissioner Gordon might disagree with your assessment, Mustang. Certainly, Mayor Adam West would question your logic, in my opinion.


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