Friday, June 29, 2012

I Think It Is Time For A Prediction


I feel as if I am standing on a 65 degree slope of ice.

But here goes:  

You know how when the Yankees first face a pitcher brought up by from AA or AAA to fill-in for a starter for whatever reason?  It could be Detroit, it could be the Oakland A's, it could be Tampa.  

It never matters;  we make that guy's major league debut remind the world of Sandy Koufax.  He goes 8 innings, gives up maybe 1 run and leaves with a secure win for his effort, and endless rhetoric about how he could become a permanent addition to the staff.

But when the Yankees bring up their version of the fill-in starter ( as in tonight's game ), we look to get 4 1/3 innings and not more than 5 runs. 

 Is this what Joe means when he says, " guys are going to have to step up?"

So here's my prediction;  a non-exciting ( you might even say,"disappointing,") start by another mediocre candidate from AAA who can't get that third strike or that third out. 

 A guy who is 5-5 so far.  A guy who can't bail out a teammate if an error is made.  A guy whom no one wants to consider a possible permanent starter in the majors.

And we'll all be debating whether or not he "earned" another start, or a bus ticket home.

And we all know that for our AAA team, there is no home.

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