Wednesday, June 20, 2012

John's Takeaway Points from Last Night's Loss, driven by Jeep

1.   It had to end someday. Everybody knew it. No streak lasts forever. Every team loses eventually. It was always going to happen. That’s baseball. You can't win them all.

2.   The Yankees are in position to take the series against Atlanta. That’s how you win pennants: By winning series. If you take, say, two out of three games from every team, you’ll win 110 games! So the Yankees are still on course to win the series – and that's crucial. Of course, you can't win every series. Nobody wins every series. Eventually, you'll lose one. It will happen.

3.   It’s all about pitching. Wednesday, we have Phil Hughes. It will be completely different from tonight, with Hiroki Kuroda. If Hughes can keep pitching well, we have a good chance.

4.   The Yankees have no kick coming about this loss. No kick at all! They had a lot of runners on base, and they couldn’t get them in. Let’s hope they’re not reverting back to that situation of early May, when nobody could hit with runners in scoring position.

5.   It was great to see David Robertson out there throwing hard. He really adds to this Yankee team.

6.   Good to have Nick Swisher back in the lineup. He doesn’t seem to have missed a step. Went two for three and hit a long fly that looked like it was gone. From the booth, both Suzyn and John thought it was out, a game-tier, but it died at the track.

7.   Hopefully, Brett Gardner is getting better. Suzyn will have all the details, plus the thoughts of manager Joe Girardi, on the Clubhouse Show.

1 comment:

  1. Driven by Jeep. Jeep jeep.


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