Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yankeetorial: The acquisition of Ichiro will bring us a ton of raw, unused juju

Four losses into the dark well, we pushed the big red button: We made a deal that should please Old George's ghost, when he visits Hal and Hank in their dreams.

The Boss always coveted Ichiro, as he did Sheff and the Big Unit. It was only a matter of time before Suzuki put on Pinstripes. Of course, he first needed to wither and hit a pile of pop-ups; then we would trade prospects for him.

I hate it whenever we trade youth for age. I hate how it depletes our system, how it lowers morale, and most of all, how it's always characterized in the press: That we craftily gave up nothing in return for a star. Two years later, we're watching Damaso Marte or Mike Lowell play for other teams. So today, as the NY media congratulates Brian Cashman for swindling Ichio from those stupid West Coasts, let's face up to the reality: We gave up a young DJ Mitchell, and the Mariners didn't do this out of guilt over the Pineda trade.

Still, Ichiro does fill a void on the Yankees. We finally have a guy who can bunt. We finally have a guy who hits behind runners and can hit a ground ball to score a man from third. If he has half a season left - for his first spotlight appearances in about six years - we have a spare part who could help this team. (And in September, if we bring up Fukudome from Scranton, we'll practically be a nostalgia act in Japan. Emerson, Lake and Palmer, anyone?)

Most importantly, we have just added the collective juju of a million Seattle baseball fans. (Assuming there is a million Seattle baseball fans.) As much as they boo Arod for leaving town - (and seeking what he was worth, which their billionaire ownership saw no reason to pay him) - they owe it to Ichiro to stand and cheer like hyenas when he comes to bat. Tonight, they surely will give him another huge ovation. In his at bats in Seattle occur, they will vault from their seats and cheer a Yankee.

I hate when we trade a young player. But don't underestimate juju. We just obtained the Seattle fan base in a relatively minor deal. Folks, that's raw juju coming in our direciton. Put a price on that. Old George's ghost is resting easier today.


  1. But Duque, those are juju amateurs. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know a lookaway from a latte.

    Can we get a million copies of your book sent to the Pacific Northwest, pronto?

  2. Ichiro will be 39 in October but, on the current Yankee roster, is now the best base runner,best base stealer,best defensive outfielder,and the best throwing arm.

  3. 39 is the new 20. Relatively speaking. On this team.


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