Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Andruw Jones Strikes Out ( as he often does )

I just want you to know, we are losing this game.  You can all go to bed.

It is time to begin panic.

1 comment:

  1. The A-Bomb Rises

    *Steve Donohue and A-Rod are in the visiting team's training room in U.S. Cellular Field.

    A-Rod is doing sit-ups, hoping his cousin got his text message asking for HGH.

    Steven just witnessed the grand slam by Youk, and A-Rod hears the call but continues doing sit-ups.

    Steven's eyes slowly drift back to the rehabbing three time MVP, who has is nearing his twentieth sit-up.*

    "You're afraid. You're afraid that the Yankees' Empire is falling." Steve Donohue

    "I'm not afraid, I'm angry."- A-Rod


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