Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We Only Beat Boston !!!

The Yankees did not beat Baltimore.  Texas did not beat Baltimore.

We beat Boston to win the division, remember?

Cano hit .620 in the last 10 days of the regular season.  He homered twice and drove in six runs on that decisive, last day of the season to break the tie for first.  Grandy went deep.  I think even A-Rod got on base once.  Kuroda was heroic.  Even Swisher may have hit a ball out of the infield.

But that was against Boston, playing mostly their AA guys up for the September coffee.

Last night, we had, by my count, 12 opportunities not just to tie the game, but to blow it open.  We failed every time.  The Ichiro ballet score should not count in real baseball.  He was amazing, but the Yankees vomited on their shoes.  Every time.

Pictured below area confident and resolute pair of our heros.  A-Rod stands fast with his fired up buddy Nick Swisher.  We are going to depend upon them?

Last night, the Yankees ended their last chance at moving forward. Once again, we invest an entire season to reach this point of disappointment, failure and humiliation.

I told you before;  one and done at best.

 Cashman is interviewing and will depart.  He may be a fool, but he isn't stupid.  This team will drown in failure from now on.  No George to spend his ill-gotten gains on real players.

Remember, the big Yankee news last night was that Jason Nix is back and ready to play.

Time to turn off the tv, the radio and the internet.

The pain of what is unfolding is too great and far too easily predicted.

One and done.  Again.


  1. Rodriguez should do the right thing and retire. He's sickening.

  2. You are right anonymous.

    But he won't initiate such a concept. Too much money on the table. And he still wants to believe he can play. That there is another big year in there somewhere.

    But I wonder if he would accept a Yankee deal....pay him $50 million and say good-bye.

    It will become really ugly for A-Rod, particularly once Derek packs it in. And he doesn't deserve it.

    I mean A-Rod has always given his all. Our expectations were too high. It comes with the price tag.

    Sadly, he only delivered once in his entire Yankee career (having a monster post-season, propelling the team to a championship ).

  3. Is it too late to acquire Giambi? Tino would be better. Paulie looks in pretty good shape when they show the YES broadcast booth.

    And you know Jorge is ready. If only to wipe Girardi's nose in it.

    Bernie, Bernie, Bernie, wherefore art thou, Bernie?

    Doesn't Scott Brosius have a daughter? I bet she's not bad.


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