Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Booing Them All Gets Easier

Just a pre-holiday side-note:  If we make Youklis our third baseman for three years, my earlier "call to boo" takes on more credence.

Signing him, by the way, will be clear evidence that this ship is foundering badly.

The plus side is that it would be easy to boo him on every play, and on every appearance.

Easier, for example, than booing Robby.  But he earned his, too.

Moving right along:

Now that the Yanks have collapsed, and the Giants are proving poor representatives ( as usual ) to defend their championship, we have to wait until the NCAA basketball tourney begins to be excited again.

So let's have a drink and forget about it.

1 comment:

  1. Three years? We aren't giving anyone a multi-year deal until after 2014. George is a corpse. The ride is over. Eric Chavez just signed with the D'backs. We're gonna have Braylon Edwards at the hot corner until A-Rod comes back. Without a hip.


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