Monday, December 17, 2012

Final Holiday Thoughts

Hi there merry little reindeers....

I do really like the trend that Cashman is setting for the 2013 Yankees.

He has assembled the world's oldest, slowest, worst hitting team, and every win becomes a new record.  As the age-related injuries pile up, beginning in mid May, the Yanks will establish a new set of records for most player games lost to injury.  Inherent in this recoding of the record books will be the highest number of player hours lost to the DL in a single season.

Now we can add another little bump in the road;  with RA Dickey in the division at Toronto we can assume a minimum of two losses every time we play the Jays, home or away.  We never can hit a knuckleballer, especially one who won the Cy Young, and we also will lose the next day to a high heat pitcher, where we still are looking for jumping 60 mph floaters.  Throw in a rookie pitcher from anywhere, and it is three losses per series.

How many losses does that give us to start?

The Yankees' marketing folks need to start giving out age related bobble heads when it is promotion time.  Yankees with canes, walkers, and really thick glasses would be my first choice.  Or they could give out current roster racing sets where players are timed to first base;  any non-wind aided time below a full minute is the winner.

I really think it is possible that the entire scranton roster will be in pinstripes by mid-August  The only problem with that is the average age of our AAA team is 32-33, and there is not a prospect among them.

Next season, when we announce a re-building effort ( the Yankees always like to pretend we are legit contenders ), I say we begin rebuilding via weight gain.  That Williams person we hear so much about in centerfield only weighs 149 pounds at present.  He could easily be 152 with another full year in A ball.

As for current veterans, we have already seen Derek's leadership in the weight gain effort, and I would like to see Tex blossom up to an even .300, just for something different.

I think we win 40-50 games next season.

And I am not watching until Puke ( currently the youngest, but not the lightest, Yankee ) is on the DL.

I would rather have 25 Ed Whitsons than one Youkilis.  I would rather have bird flu.


  1. Thank you, Alphonso, for the kind words. Sentiments such as yours brighten up the homeless shelter even on a bitter cold night like this. Perhaps you might let Carl Pavano know we are thinking about him during the holiday season and expect he will be joining us here soon. Just received a cheery Christmas card from Andruw, who is now a big star in Japan. God bless us, every one!


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