Saturday, February 23, 2013

100% Rehab Dedication Fizzles

Good morning again.  What do you know, we are getting more snow.

So A-Rod has now bolted for Miami after committing himself to rehab in NYC.  Truthfully, he gave it an effort.  He got into and out of his black windowed, SUV Cadillac several times, and scarfed down a number of artfully prepared meals at some of the city's best seafood restaurants.

But the noise of the clicking cameras, and the complaining starlets, has driven him south to the warmer clime.  He can workout in Florida without the annoyance and burden of putting on a coat.

In his place, we get Jose Feliciano, the Guantanamo bay experience of the Yankees front office.  We paid him $8 million not to pitch for two years, then cut him.  He immediately re-signed with the Mets, from which he came.

 Did Cashman owe the Wilpons some Madoff money?  Is that why this deal went down?

Happily, Pedro was scratched from his first spring training appearance, and was sent back to NYC to meet with Dr. Altcheck who operated on his shoulder 17 months back.

I soon expect him to say, " I am dedicating 100% of my time to re-hab in NYC."

I did the same, only I did it in a bar on the west side.

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