Monday, February 11, 2013

Grammy breast ban brings memorable night for viewers

The hotties came out last night for CBS's first breastless Grammys, and the performances never looked more sizzling! So many highlights. My favorite: Here's Katy Perry, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Adele and Taylor Swift joining forces for a salute to the music of Minnie Pearl.

Carrie Underwood dazzled in her own duet with Janelle Monae.

Fans went crazy when Fergie as Carly Rae Jepsen walk the red carpet!

At one of the great after-show parties, Justin Timberlake clowned it up by exchanging shirts with Lena "Girls" Dunham.


  1. [url=] Cолнцезащитные очки оптом [/url] от
    EXENZA , FSICHR (GMADAN NSC Italy). Коллекция 2013 года и стоки с
    огромными скидками !
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  2. Anonymous, I understand what you are saying, but topless babushkas would not go over well at the Grammys. Sure, it works in Moscow, but not necessarily on this side of the Atlantic.


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