Saturday, February 2, 2013

No, we Can't: The Russ Canzler Era is over

Yesterday, the Yankees waived Russ Canzler, the scrap heap pickup who supposedly would balance our famous all-lefty outfield, and whose signing ended the Chris Dickerson Era, which concluded the Greg Golson Era and coincided with the Justin Maxwell Era. (Final line on Canzler: No runs, no hits, no eras.) I hope he didn't bother to shave.

Generally, these are the machinations followed by people with nothing better to do, the types who remember the Key Grip Operators in Adam Sandler movies, or the sound engineer in a Deep Purple album. (Sad bunch, us. This is supposed to serve as an escape?)

Of course, we might be prematurely signaling the Canzler farewell. He might pass through MLB waivers like sweetbread through a vegan. And, frankly, his fate probably doesn't matter to the Yankees. We've seen his movie. It stars Adam Sandler, and ends with him hitting 20 home runs for Scranton. The right-handed Chris Dickerson.

Listen: A lot of crap gets blathered about the A-Rods and the Joshes, while the Russ Canzlers of the world get passed around baseball like a plate of liver. And quite probably Russ Canzler, if he ever met me, would pop me in the jaw for the snark we registered upon the beginning of his Yankee era. But I'm sort of sad to see him go. There is no greater joy for Yankee fans than to see a nobody evolve into a somebody. I still celebrate Mike Stanley. I still smile over Aaron Small.

Good luck, Russ Canzler! This is probably a good thing. Once the Yankees signed Juan Rivera, your ticket to the Poconos was a done deal. You did your job, sir. You never let us down. Now, ready for the Melky Mesa Era?

1 comment:

  1. Well, damn. Now I'll have to come up with a new catchphrase for the 2013 Yankees:

    A Rivera Runs Through It?
    The Diaz Of Our Lives?
    The Glass Is Hafner Full?


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