Sunday, March 17, 2013

Help, Yankiverse, help! What's John's homer call for Brennan Boesch?

It's off Boesch, by gosh!

A summer squash... from Boesch!

Brennan, you're no lemon!

All along the Boeschtower, said the joker to the bee, there's too confusion, I can't get no relief!



  1. Unsustainable BABIPMarch 17, 2013 at 8:06 PM

    A masterpiece from Homerunious Boesch!

  2. Unsustainable, that one wins!

  3. A 21 cm Mörser 16 from the Boesch

  4. I've been out of the country. Who's Brennan Boesch?

  5. I can't figure out how to pronounce his last name. Bow-sch? Bay-sch? Ber-sch?

    Guess I know too much German. Boe means it was actually spelled with an umlaut over the o. When a keyboard doesn't have an umlaut, you can type oe to denote that's how it should be pronounced.

    How that gets Anglicized seems like a crapshoot in the pronouncing department. Is there a site where I can click on player names and here them spoken out loud?

    What's with 'Brennan', anyway? Was he named after the character on Bones? Does he even look like a Deschanel? Maybe Sterling should say 'Dr. Brennan makes his bones'. More people would get that than a 50s musical reference.


  6. Brennan - Who's da Boesch! (Or "You'se Da Boesch!)
    A Boesch Whacking! From Brennan!
    It's a runaway Boesch!
    No Bozos on this Boesch!
    He really kissed that one--It's a Brennan Buss!

    March 16, 2013 at 11:31 AM


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