Friday, March 29, 2013

Holy crap! Does Cashman read this blog?

Where do you think he got that idea?

From this?


  1. Frankly, YES, and I only implicitly mean the network. TV ratings, ticket sales, product marketing all require some data on the Yankiverse fan base. So, likely Cashman's office includes some "boot-licking" nerds of the "Yankee Empire" earning near-minimum wage to research fan sentiment, etc. But it goes beyond Cashman's office. Don't you think that that lovable narcissist, the Great One, cannot resist taking a peek occasionally at a blog that satirizes him? John Sterling is probably even more in touch with this blog than Cashman's office. Not the Steinbrenners, though. Let the peasants grumble, they think.

  2. Sorry, SanJoseKid... I know you mean well... but The Voice of the New York Yankees would never get involved with a passing fad like the internet.

  3. You are absolutely right. I recall John Sterling telling Suzyn (during a rain delay), "If the internet is so useful, why can't it score runners from second base?"

  4. No, of course I don't read your silly blog. And I don't cheat on my wife, either. Incidentally, IF I DID read your blog, I'd recommend you check out a much superior blog, "Yankee Fans Unite", where an insightful blogger named "fishface" posted an article entitled "Ten Reasons to Like the Yankees in 2013", or something like that. Now why don't you chumps at IIHIIFIc do something constructive, like come up with 100 reasons to buy ticjkets for a Yankee game, or maybe you might introduce me to your younger sister, if she's good-looking and likes to skydive.


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