Monday, March 18, 2013

Robbie Cano is having his MVP tournament six months too late

Before anybody accuses me of whining about Robbie Cano, I’m not. He’s our hope. He’s a great Yankee. I would kill for the man. I would waterboard for him. He could marry my daughter. If he asked me to marry him, I would. I'm not coming out or anything, that's just how much I love Robbie Cano.

That said, the ungrateful bastard did nothing, NOTHING, for us last fall in the playoffs, and now he’s MVP for the Dominican Republic Yankees in the WBC? Come onnnnnnnn, somebody’s gotta say it:
Robbie, is that how it works? You strike out for the Yankees and hit for God and country? We are your God and country. Where were you in October?

Don’t get me wrong: I love the man. I’m glad he’s hitting now. These might be his only playoffs  this year. The next meaningful games will come in June, when we’re about to fall out of the wild card race. I’m rooting for Robbie… but, hey, dude… where were you?


  1. Hey, don't worry, man. Now I am in the groove with my lucky underwear. We'll keep winning, all 162 games, provided I wear the same underpants. World Series here we come! Maybe I shouldn't change my socks, either . . . .

  2. I am going to send him the latest and newest, "pope on a rope" ( riata ) for use in the shower.

    That way, god will help him hit when he might, otherwise, ground into an inning ending double play.

    He is a greater failure in the post season than Dave Winfield.

    Or Brian Cashman.

  3. Mr. Alphonso, a "rope on a pope" would be a very nice lucky charm. I also need hats for bats and a live chicken, a bantam rooster would be best. Thanks. Will say "hi" to Youk for you.

  4. Hey Robbie, were u in AC last week, if that was u, thanks for the autograph? Checked the roster and ur not playing the Phillies.



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