Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On being whupped by the worst team in baseball, at home, with your signature ace, on the day your thirdbaseman goes for an MRI, and the cops are waiting outside to arrest everyone for DWI

OK. These days happen. Nothing is perfect. Even the Pope occasionally farts. The hottest supermodel can still get warts. Play 160 games and - even in a championship year - you'll kick away 60. Last night was our Ishtar, our Bay City Rollers, our Clint Hurdle, our Hootie and the Blowfish second album. Those lovable plucky veterans who stunned mighty Toronto over the weekend suddenly turned into M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening - and they tomato-canned against the Houston Astros, the hell team from Triple A.

Certifiable bad night.

Mr. Yankee, Kevin Youkilis - had an MRI, and all game, nobody knew the results - not even during the Daily News Fifth. One report this morning said it came back "negative." Since when do MRI's come back "negative?" It probably showed a bulging disc - not ruptured - but I've had one, and trust me here, they are hell. It can mean three weeks. It can mean three months. If Youk's bad gives out, A-Rod could return before he does.

Vidal Nuno's line score looks a lot better than he did. He resembled a potentially effective LOOGY, but the Astros hit shots off his curve. I mean, shots. One line drive missed a HR by three foot - in deep left-center - and another Astro was thrown out limping into third base after pulling something. The Astros could have scored from second on a single, but simply were having too much fun to invoke the 10-run mercy rule. Hard to gauge a guy's first outing. But if not for bad base-running, Nuno might still be pitching.

Austin Bromide mangled a bunch of calls with Andy Pettitte. Still can't figure this one out. What if he turns out to be one of those catchers who hits and fields well - but there's a 2 run increase in the ERA of pitchers when he's out there. (Mike Stanley? Matt Nokes?) Yikes.

Bad day for everybody but the DWI patrols outside the stadium. I bet they scored big.


  1. In don't think we have to worry about Romine being one of those guys. He hasn't hit anything, although he was hit.

    As for the lug nut lefty; let's be positive and say:

    He got himself into trouble and got himself out of trouble.
    He had two nice K's
    He is a lefty.
    I don't think he is over thirty.
    He now has three innings of MLB experience.
    He seems to find the strike zone.
    He has a great ERA this morning, regardless.
    Mop up game turns are designed for this purpose.

  2. We got caught in one of those DWI patrols last Friday night. Never seen one before. Added a good 40 minutes to the trip home. After waiting and getting looked over by the cops (at least 6 of them), they waived us through but nabbed the Virginia guy in front of us and the NJ guy behind us. I must be too old to look like a drunk. The city probably not getting enough cash from us Yankee fans because of low attendance and they had to do this. Better take it easy on those $9.75 beers!

  3. Dr. Fellgood ("Practicing Medicine til I get it Right")May 1, 2013 at 12:42 AM

    Actually, New York's Finest were testing fans for PEDs, not DWIs. The New York Supreme Court ruled recently that if players are tested for PEDs on a regular basis, so too must be tested the fans that are in attendance at the Stadium. They even shook down Cashman, but he passed even though he had 3 ounces of Cialis in his jacket pocket.


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