Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"I wonder if The Master will refrain from A-Bombs, Pronk's Bomber, and a Nuke from Youk in light of what happened yesterday."

The above comment, courtesy of MANX.

Tune into WCBS at 6:30 for the Pregame Show


  1. Suzyn sounds sad tonight.

    There will be a special tribute in the bottom of the 3rd featuring "Sweet Caroline"

  2. John had some inspirational words about not letting fear get to us. He also spoke movingly about his children.

  3. If I know the Maestro he'll stick to his guns and do his calls. After all we are talking about the man who called an "A-bomb from Hideki" and continued to call "Bern Baby Bern" after 9/11. That's what makes John the Master, he gives no fucks about who he offends.

  4. I had the game on TV and sat through Sweet Caroline. No amount of straight liquor and raw onion could remove the taste from my mouth until Mo came in in the 9th and they played Enter Sandman.

    We may be carrying this Boston sympathy a little too far.

  5. We showed some class, i feel. A woman in my office this morning admitted to being tearful during Sweet Caroline last night. I was a little verklempt myself. But let's beat them like a drum first game in Fenway!

  6. Please don't ever play that lousy song again. Love Boston, hate the red sux, despise Neil Diamond.

  7. Big win by the Yanks today. During the Reynolds Wrap-up, John played his win wharble clip and then laughed and said, "Somebody oughtta put a straight-jacket on that guy."

    I LOL'd.


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