Thursday, April 18, 2013

Why I Cannot Vote

I cannot vote in today's poll until someone explains to me what the hell Neil Diamond's singing of "Sweet Caroline" has to do with Boston or the Red Socks.

I would rather a poll where we select the most appropriate libation with which to toast Boston and , thereby, show our compassion for their anguish.

Personally, I am for the manhattan.


  1. As a Yankees fan living in Boston-- No. As a human being, I have long despised the nightly Sweet Caroline debacle at Fenway. I have been known to shout out "So good! So good!" at random intervals whenever their PA system is playing any song whatsoever in protest.

    While I thought that teams taking a moment to honor those lost and injured in the blasts on Monday, I wish they had gone with Dirty Water by the Standells.

  2. Love those bourbon drinks, although i suppose JD can do in a pinch.

  3. The only Red Sox fan I have any feeling for is the fictional "Bear Jew" from the Inglorious Basterds. Even then I was so put off by the Ted Williams reference I was kinda hoping for the Nazi.

  4. I definitely agree, dirty water would have been better.

    This coming from someone who has endured living in the little city since before Bucky fn Dent.

    Still loved to the National Anthem at the hockey game. If that doesn't inspire you, neither will Ray Charles (which should be the only version allowed at any sporting event EVER!)

  5. Swinging Kei, regarding the "Bear Jew" from "Inglorious Basterds", after thumping the Nazi sergeant, doesn't he say something about "going yard" as he carries his baseball bat? If so, isn't "going yard" a 21st century expression? Nobody would have used that terminology in the 1930s or 1940s. Agreed that "Inglorious Basterds" isn't a documentary or even mildly authentic, but such an anachronism undermines the quality of the script, right? Go ahead and kill Hitler, but spare us the contemporary slang.

  6. Yeah, that was smart. Not signing me . . . .


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