Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jose Canseco is building his resume as a baseball nutjob

When sportswriters talk about never letting Arod in the Hall of Fame, I have to chuckle. Imagine a Cooperstown that requires all inductees to be statesmanlike pillars of morality.

Good grief, they can move the museum into a trailer.

The list of great sluggers includes a Hall of Fame collection of crackpots, drug addicts and first-class jerks. Here's a few names, with their current all-time home run ranking.

1. Barry Bonds, PEDs and perjury
3. Babe Ruth, a glutton.
5. Alex Rodriguez, drug allegations and possible perjury
8. Sammy Sosa, steroids
10. Mark McGwire, steroids
12.  Rafael Palmero, steroids
13. Reggie Jackson, egomaniac
14. Manny Ramirez, borderline personality disorder
16. Mickey Mantle, chronic alcoholic
18, Ted Williams, chased teammates' wives.
24. Gary Sheffield, fought with cops, fans, coaches, players
-- Ty Cobb, pure evil
-- Wade Boggs, sex addiction, booze
-- Pete Rose, gambling, perjury
-- Dick Allen, cocaine
34. Jose Canseco - well... where do we start?

All of which brings us to Jose Canseco... the evil twin to brother Ozzie.

Let's start by noting that this is not a Yankee problem. In 2000, Canseco played for us in 37 games, because we put in a waiver claim figuring someone else would get him, and we got stuck. He batted .243 and hit six home runs. (Years earlier, Dave Kingman hit four for us - but in 8 games.) In the 2000 playoffs, Canseco came to bat once, took three pitches right down the middle and then sauntered back to the dugout. We ditched him a few weeks later.

Nevertheless, to hear Canseco talk, he knows everything about the Yankees. For the last five years, he's been taking potshots at Roger Clemens, Arod and any other Yankee whose name pops up in public conversation. That's because Canseco makes his living by boxing celebrities and appearing in public locations under a big sign that says, "Meet Former Yankee Slugger Jose Canseco!" There's nothing wrong with that. But if you're wondering whether he's closer to AJ Burnett or PT Barnum - I assure you, it's the latter.

This week, Jose made Twitter history by publishing the name of a woman who had charged him with - in essence - rape. He published her address and phone number. He is the first celebrity to do such a thing on Twitter - it's such an unprecedented act of meanness that it might force Twitter to change its policies.

Of course, Jose might be falsely accused. You never know. But if bluster was proof of innocence, Nixon would have served out his term, and Bernie Madoff would still be cashing checks. It's for the authorities, I guess. But make no mistake, he belongs up there with the great sluggers - Cobb, Rose, Manny, Sosa - yeah, put Canseco on that list. He's a Hall of Fame ass.


  1. "Of course, Jose might be falsely accused. You never know." Sweet caveat.

    I'm not defending Jose; he seems to have spent his adult life trying to not only do the wrong thing at all times but to do it as foolishly as possible, while still allowing himself the chance to something even more foolish later. It's ironic that his greatest moments of (maybe) honesty came in his naming of names and violating the clubhouse "code"...I wonder if he's the guy who taught Pettitte to act like that.

    Anyway, Terry Collins just got run for arguing and the Yanks are leading, so who cares?

  2. Mariano is human and you have to remember that and balls will find holes and the Yankees will not score runs. And who's to blame, but Mariano will be back tomorrow. Upcoming Tom Stevens has the famed Stevens Report all here on the Reynolds Wrapup Show on the Yankees Radio Network still driven.

    By Jeep.


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