Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proof that God has a kinky, David Lynchian sense of humor: David Adams will start his Yankee career in a game against the Seattle Mariners

This is perfect. Tonight, when David Adams celebrates his 26th birthday and launches his Yankee career - which may not extend beyond August - he gets a chance to exact revenge on his former organization, the team that scorned him, the miserly Seattle Mariners.

For those of you scoring at home, Adams was the Yankee second base farmhand whose broken ankle in 2010 prompted Seattle to scuttle an announced deal that would have sent Cliff Lee to NYC. (Originally, it was thought that Adams' ankle was merely sprained; when it found to be broken, and he would miss 12-to 18 months, Seattle pulled out. By the way, the 12-to-18 months rehab time is something for fans and physicians of Derek Jeter to ponder.)

The deal would have sent Adams, Jesus Montero and Zach McAllister to the Mariners. Instead, Lee went to Texas (for the appropriately named Justin Smoak) and beat us that year in the playoffs. Who knows how the post-season would have gone, had Lee been pitching for us, instead of them?

In some alternative universe, the ankle stayed healthy, the deal went down, and we might be working for our 30th ring. But in that multi-verse, tonight, David Adams is playing for them, instead of us.

For a guy with no fossil record in the majors, Adams has already had a controversial Yankee career. He was the prospect Cashman excised from the 40 man roster when Vernon Wells came to the team - prompting an eruption of outrage from the anal-intensive Yankiverse (of which this blog is as bad as anybody). Somehow - and I gotta believe the Steinboys doled out serious shekels - we resigned Adams to a minor league deal. (I suspect it had a May 15 out clause.) I really thought we had lost him, and it was infuriating.

So tonight, with a lifetime of water under the bridge, David Adams starts his Yankee career.

Of course, he's c-blocked for life at 2B by Robbie. And soon, Youkilis returns, and then A-Rod. Assuming that both can bend down and play defense - (I'm assuming nothing from now on), there would be few future infield slots open for Adams. So maybe around August 15, God will pull the final trigger on David Adams:

Maybe he'll be waived and sign with, of course, Seattle. Why not? He's already in their heads, like the final episode of Twin Peaks. It would be so... Lynchian... would it not?


  1. Raul "Turtleman" Ibanez, DHMay 15, 2013 at 7:41 PM

    That one's for you, Steinbeggars. Did you hear the crack of the bat all the way down there in Tampa?

  2. Yankee hero to Yankee killer in about 7 months...

  3. Raul, you've proven your point. now you're just showing off.

  4. I should have written about Raul as being a Lynch character.

  5. Mike Lupica of the penetrating penMay 15, 2013 at 9:21 PM

    Check out the Yankee infield. A veritable All-Star team. Did they really impose the Designated Fan rule? Tonight is the night for an unsung outfielder to come in and strike out the side!

  6. Treasure this, Yankee fans:

    "Vernon Wells remains in the game as the second baseman.

    Pitching Change: Alberto Gonzalez replaces Brett Marshall, batting 9th.

    Pitching Change: Alberto Gonzalez replaces Alberto Gonzalez."

    When will Joe Girardi let Vernon Wells play shortstop? The time has come. In one game, allow Vernon Wells to play one inning at each position, including of course pitcher. Hell, if Alberto Gonzalez can close out a game, our boy Vwernon can throw a no-hitter! We owe it to you, Vernon.

    Now tonight, that is how I expected the season to go. Thank you, Joe, thanks to the Steinbrothers, and to MLB.


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