Monday, May 20, 2013

Speaking on behalf of the Yankiverse, we face Freddy Garcia tonight in Baltimore, and you better believe there will be some whining if we lose

I thought this was a misprint, or an Oxycontin flashback from 2011. Freddy Garcia is pitching against us tonight. Yes, that Freddy Garcia. The Chief. He's still alive. He's still pitching.

Listen, I have nothing but respect for The Chief. He pitched well for us - in fact, one of his best outings came in a must game against Baltimore. But two years ago, he was on his last legs. How old can the guy be? A hundred?

He's going against C.C. Sabathia. I'm telling you, this is scary. Some of these guys, they're like zombies - they just keep walking and snarling, and until somebody shoots them in the brain, they'll eat your liver. If we lose tonight, it's like losing to Houston. It's like losing to yourself. It's five losses, bottled up into one. It's not Freddy Garcia. It's Freddy Kruger. 


  1. we crush him like grape!!

  2. Freddy is sweating bullets and j. lam beat me to it.

  3. Beat me to Adams hr call that is.

  4. He also threw in a "Call Me Adams." Is this some reference I'm just not getting?

  5. Missed it, what was his entire call? You all are just giving me pieces.

    I guess I could google it, but like John Sterling, I don't have a computer.

    Speaking of John, I have a couple more questions. I know you track his longest win warbles, but do you have any records for his longest span of dead air? He didn't set any records today, but in some games I kept thinking the radio broke.

    I forgot my second question.

    Regarding the dead air record, technical difficulties don't count. There was one last year where the radio feed died, but one of the three streams on At Bat was picking up Sterling bellowing "am I on the air? Am I on the air? Over and over .

  6. Now I remember... How many people are "scoring at home"? Am I just not familiar with what constitutes an active senior lifestyle? It just sounds so depressing to think there really are people who don't have closets to paint, toilets to scrub, oil changes to do or whatever else it is gets done during a baseball game...

  7. Probably the theater column from the NY Times. I'm sure it's related to Broadway somehow.
    Also, remember when John and Suzyn called in on the cell phone to do the play by play because of technical difficulties?

  8. Dead air. Now that you mention it I always find myself checking my atBat app to see if the WCBS 880 feed is buffering, but it's just John collecting his thoughts and going over his notes. I would love to see what John's setup is when he is calling a game in the broadcast booth. Do you think he ordered out for Wendy's in the 9th tonight because he foresaw extra innings and extra innings is brought to you by Wendy's where you can eat great always late at Wendy's. Stop by your local Wendy's today.

  9. "Call me Adams" would refer to the Broadway musical "Call Me Madam." I, too, missed the complete HR call. Can anyone fill us in?

  10. Oh, never mind. You did already. David is Goliath! Thanks!

    I like that John is starting to mine the Bible for these things.


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