Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Few Sobering Thoughts

Since winning games and staying in the race requires a bit of wishful thinking right now, let's deal with a few hard facts:

1.  Duque is right.  The Pineda re-scheduling from a live game to a simulated game is a red flag raised in the harbor.  A storm is headed up the coast and it might just sink us.

2.  How long did Pukilis last in his most recent comeback?  This will be two years of $7 million pissed away by the dundner-headed beneficiaries of Mr Steinbrenner's will.  Sometimes I think this Yankee organization has morphed into another Jim Dolan.

3.  David Adams's bubble has burst.  He doesn't even look like a guy who could hit in batting practice. He flails at curve balls like A-Rod, and stands frozen as breaking balls bend over the heart of the plate with a 1-2 count on him. Sorry folks, there is no potential here.  Another .200 hitter.

4.  The new kid in the outfield?  Is he actually young?  Why, then, El Duque have you not briefed us on him?  I figure we got him in a rule 5 draft from the Cubs and he is 33.  Not that it matters;  he can hit .334 in Scranton and do nothing here.

5.  Texiera is beginning to grate.  In that wiggly bating staff, signifying nothing, he slaps one-hoppers to the infielders.  When he doesn't strike our or hit into double plays, that is.  Good to hear that the wrist is holding up.  Has there ever been a former star whose talents eroded this fast, without age being the cause?

6.  The old guys ( although I feel Overbay could hit .267 all year ) are toilet bound.  It isn't even July and they are slugless and nearly on empty.

7.  CC has reached an inflection point in his career.  Good for our opponents, not so good for us.

It is time to bite the bullet, fold up the tent and announce a re-structuring from top to bottom.  Beginning with Cashman and his band of blind talent scouts.  A 25 year-old third baseman from Notre Dame as our first pick?  Sorry, this isn't football.  He'll be 35 when A-Rod's contract is up, if we don't extend it.

USMNT ( soccer ) plays a match Tuesday to qualify for 2014 world cup.  It will be far more exciting than a week of Yankee nothing.

Giants football doesn't appear until July 28 ( actually camp opens on the 27th, but that is " media day."


  1. I take it that you must be really excited about the Giants' prospects this year, seeing as how you are already pointing to the first day of camp.

    It must be fun being a Giants fan, and enjoying all that unbridled optimism, eh?

  2. I grew up with a father who was a Yankees and Giants fan, and I ended up a Yankees and Giants fan. My tendency toward clinical depression is not merely a genetic predisposition.

    One small gleam of hope is generated by this:

    "Youkilis played all 18 innings of the Yankees' 3-2 loss to the Athletics in Oakland on Thursday, and seemed to foretell his injury when he said, "You never know after these games how you wake up the next morning, but hopefully everything's good.""

    Now...this is stretching...what if Girardi, while paying lip homage to the brass, understands that many of his aging former stars are best kept off the field? But also knows that the Steinboys would not hear of it? ('Stein' in German, by the way, means 'stone' or 'rock', an apt parallel to what seems to be in their heads.)

    After all, Joey Numbers goes by the little printouts in his three-ring binders. He knows what the numbers are saying. So he leaves Youk, an old fart with a history of back problems just off the injured list with back problems, at third base for 18 (!!!) innings.

    Gee, wonder what could happen? Smirk, smirk.

    It's mere speculation to consider the amount of money he paid for the inside fastball that broke Grandy's pinky.

    Think about it.

  3. Bobby Valentine, future manager of the New York Yankees,June 15, 2013 at 11:48 AM

    Best of all, it was my idea! I telephoned Joe Girardi and suggested he leave Youk out there. That ballplayer needed an attitude adjustment anyway, as well as back surgery.

  4. I love this Yuke idea. Joe did it on purpose, and it worked !!

    Now, Yuke can't feel his feet when he sleeps. I never thought of this. And he is back on the DL growing facial hair.

    I love Joe.

    P.S. to El Duque; I would rather watch the paint dry on your wood shed, than watch this Yankee team score two runs every twenty innings, and go home.

    The Giants are a.500 team this year. But could win it all.

  5. Oakland Athletics fans in the Coliseum's left field and right field bleachersJune 15, 2013 at 5:24 PM

    We the craziest bleacher creatures in MLB. Check us out on TV, especially when Grant "The Psycho" Balfour comes in from the bullpen. Not a Sandman but a Madman. We will beat the Giants. We cause another World Series earthquake. Make asteroid hit Fenway.

  6. Alphonso, you are confusing sports fans by talking about the New York Giants football team when in a baseball blog folks think about the OLD New York Giants (y'know, Bobby Thompson), who became the SF Giants. Then you introduce soccer into the discussion. Fine. Don't forget to mention that skeet-shooting is a team sport as well.


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