Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Where Is Our Pig?

One week into his major league career, this much has become clear about Yasiel Puig ( Pig ):  Balls rocket off his bat;his throws from the outfield prompt stop signs by opposing third basemen; and his speed and abandon on the base paths create awe and wonder.

In his first seven days with the LA Mattinglys, he hit 4 home runs, drove in 10 runs, threw out two base runners, drew an intentional walk, and rendered Vince Scully ( their John and Suzyn ) speechless.

"I've never seen a 5 tool player show all five tools in three games," gulped Scully.  Not in his 64 years of broadcasting.

Do I really need to point out that our best minor league position player has no tools?  Not at any level.

Where is our pig?

Will we ever have a pig?


  1. Your pig is dead, Alphonso. The Steinbros feast while we fans starve.

  2. Steve Balboni was sort of a pig.

  3. You're right, Fonz. But the guy that we really blew it with was Jose Soler, the OF signed by the Cubs. He's much younger, and he's going to be good for much longer time.

    They have the money. They simply don't see a need to spend it.

  4. Since you can save 15% on your car insurance in 15 minutes, I would think the GEICO pig is ours.

    Maybe we can get the Bacon Brothers to play the national anthem sometime.

  5. I wish I could post a picture... But our pig would end up on the disabled list. Google Chris P. Bacon.

  6. Thank you for putting that up. Perhaps it could be sponsored by Black Bear Franks and Sausages?

  7. Oh and how'd we forget Shane Spencer?

  8. Chris P. Bacon, animal celebrityJune 13, 2013 at 12:34 AM

    Battin' a pig in the clean-up spot ain't kosher.


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