Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A-Rod and Jeet might be coming back

Will they be too late... too old... too injured... too far removed from the thrilling days of yesteryear... to save the First National Bank of Cashman's payroll train?

In 1965 - which is definitely the days of yesteryear - Mickey, Elston and Bobby couldn't come in time, or bring enough youth, to save the team.

Then in another yesteryear - how about 1982 - another cavalry couldn't save us. (Please note this lineup whenever referencing potential trades with the Phillies for John Mayberry Jr.)

Sometimes, the heroes just don't get there in time.


  1. Damn. That 1965 lineup was pretty good! How could they have lost? If they had had the DH back then, it would have been a juggernaut. Hector Lopez, baby! Remember when the Yankee second string (Lopez, Johnny Blanchard, et. al.) beat up on the Reds in the 1961 World Series? Smacked dem boys all over Crosley Field. That's when the Yanks were so deep their bench players would have been starters in other cities . . . .

  2. Why is our best home run hitter hitting 7th in 1965 and 6th in 1982? What's the problem?


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