Thursday, July 18, 2013

A seemingly deep thought about the Yankees

In case you don't believe in Biblical Hollywood prophesy, Kei Igawa's lifetime ERA is 6.66!



  1. I'm genuinely getting worried about you, Duque. I know we're not friends, but I like this blog. We both love the Yankees and we share a similar sense of humor.

    For the reasons stated above, I feel I owe it to you to say you're beginning to sound like you've lost your mind. I'm concerned here. I'm about to take the bar exam and I'm not as stressed as you seem. Relax man. They suck. They'll come back eventually. It might take a few years, but they'll come back. Just hope they don't give Cano 10 years. That's all that matters from now until next season.

  2. I respect you bennyboy, and have enjoyed your posts. Furthermore, a guy always needs young lawyers as friends. So, I want to be your pal and not say anything even mildly contrarian. However, the litmus test about baseball insanity is this: was the greatest single performance in baseball Doc Ellis' LSD no-hitter? If you answer in the affirmative, I can rest assured that you are as crazy and insightful as I am. Frankly, El Duque is the only person that makes sense anymore. Duque didn't suggest that we should boycott the Olympics to get Ed Snowden back. Now, THAT is crazy. We need more Duques. Maybe an El Duque who will someday be our "IL DUCE"!! Think about, HS. The uniforms, the parades, the power! Just like Bud Selig and his toupee. Omnipotent.

  3. Hahahhaa. Touché. I just don't want the man do drink himself to death over this awful team. Harper and Trout are free agents in four years after this season...


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