Friday, July 19, 2013

A seemingly deep thought about the Yankees

Brett Gardner leads the Yankees in strikeouts and could be headed toward a Grandersonesque 160 Ks this season.


  1. Littlebridge (very little) was batting .042 in limited action with the Cubbies.


    That's worse than our all-sub-.200 subs. L-Bridge isn't even on the interstate. He's on some dirt road in Alabama, with a couple of toothless hill people standing in his way holding loaded shotguns.

    This is the best guy we can call up at this point? Really?

    Have we finally gone a Bridge too far?

  2. Chris Dickerson has been released by the Orioles. Call Cashman, Duque, and let him know his boy is available, even if he is not quite as good as DeWayne Wise.


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