Tuesday, July 23, 2013



  1. Any way we can revoke the annexation of Texas and force Texas out of the Union? We paid their debts in 1850. We want the money back, with interest.... hard currency, not taco dogs. They got us into the Mexican War. Their AL ballclub has a neo-Nazi, Nolan Ryan, as GM. They bestow presidential candidates such as Rick "Alzheimer" Perry upon the nation at large. These guys and their taco dogs must go. How about we sell the land AND the people to Mexico? To China? Nuclear testing area?

  2. Yankee bats no longer afraid. Yankee bats come alive in Texas. Strange mouselike creature at third base gets winning hit. Gets to first base safely even though he has large ears, almost as big as Posada's. Even Chamberlain does well and gets a "W" . . . . All this happened when Duque got in his station wagon and went to Walley World. Duque must stay in Walley World, same rides, same meals, until the 162-game schedule is over. Hats for Bats. Ears for no Fears.

  3. chili, corn chips, AND hot peppers on a dog and you say "Bleaagh"?

  4. I say bleaagh because it looks like one of those green, faded photos of food they used to have at the Woolworth's lunch counter.

  5. Bud Selig's toupeeJuly 24, 2013 at 1:57 PM

    I ate at a Woolworth's lunch counter as a kid . . . bland but edible. But this shit, sour creamed ground monkey on a stale baugette, is as repulsive as eating bruised dog in Shanghai . . . . which is where El Duque must be hiding out since he was implicated in the Biogenesis of America clinic scandal. That last post sounded like 'roid rage, didn't it?

  6. Fuck Nolan Ryan, the all-time leader in career walks.
    Fuck all Texas Assholes, especially Rick Perry and Nolan Overrated Ryan.
    If you want a great hot dog, get a "ripper" at Rutt's Hut in Clifton, N.J.


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