Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Double Negative Ju-Ju; The initial results

As most readers of the english language know,  I have been highly critical
of David Adams.

Suggesting that he can't hit his way out of a wet paper bag.

Editorial Note:  I have no idea why this random word placement is occurring

SO I decided to begin praising him, in an attempt to reverse his incompetence as a hitter.

The day I invoked the world's first double negative Ju-Ju ( math majors understand the impact of this science ),

Adams got a lead-off single to right field in the ninth inning of a game we trailed by a run.

Adams scored the tying run, and the winning run came home on a single by Wells.

I thought I was onto something.

Without being given another opportunity for a live test of this technique, the Yankees sent Adams to Scranton.

I conclude, therefore, that double negative Ju-Ju can have only short-term benefit, and is followed by silence and banishment.

Good-bye, Dave.  Nice try.  At being a ballplayer, I mean.

You had a good moment.

Time now, I think, for law school.

1 comment:

  1. Alphonso,

    Maybe there are some juju arts that are not to be tampered with.

    Nevertheless, David Adams will recover and someday thank you for allowing him to end his first Yankee stint with a big clutch hit.


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