Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Truth from Scranton

From Manx


The traffic on I81 was typical backed up to montage mountain road, however it ain't the deegan. The lot is full, I paid the ski shop across the street for a quick getaway spot. Pineda has the bases loaded the goofball 1st basemen and rf just dropped the ball. 2-0 pigs. 13 strikes 12 balls. Pineda is out of the first.\\\


4-2 railriders. Jeter is in for the 5th. He walked, flew out to second, and grounded out to first. Pineda is still in too. He's 45 strikes and 20 balls. 5 Ks. The beer selection here is the all american foreign owned budweiser. My pick of the night is goose island ipa only $7 ($12 at the stadium)


We goto the sixth and Derek Jeter and Michael Pineda are done for the night.


Ballgame over! Railriders win! Theeeeeeeeeeeee Railriders win! So the Railriders come back to win 4-2 from a 2-0 deficit. Derek Jeter and Michael Pineda will be back soon. Now stay tuned for the Jack Williams Tire postgame fireworks on the Railridera radio network driven by New Jersey Transit.


Jeter will DH tomorrow for the Railriders.


  1. 4-2 railriders. Jeter is in for the 5th. He walked, flew out to second, and grounded out to first. Pineda is still in too. He's 45 strikes and 20 balls. 5 Ks. The beer selection here is the all american foreign owned budweiser. My pick of the night is goose island ipa only $7 ($12 at the stadium)

  2. We goto the sixth and Derek Jeter and Michael Pineda are done for the night.

  3. Ballgame over! Railriders win! Theeeeeeeeeeeee Railriders win! So the Railriders come back to win 4-2 from a 2-0 deficit. Derek Jeter and Michael Pineda will be back soon. Now stay tuned for the Jack Williams Tire postgame fireworks on the Railridera radio network driven by New Jersey Transit.

  4. Jeter will DH tomorrow for the Railriders.

  5. KD--yes, they have sun in Germany, and lots of it this past week. It's been gawgeous, and nowhere near the hothouse slimefest that is a New York City summer (which we're going back to tomorrow...*sob*).

    Rex, thanks for the latent homosexuality opinion re ESPN and the Times sports section. I didn't realize the latter. Next you'll be telling me Bill Gallo hung out at the Chelsea Piers back in the old days. Sheesh.

    Annnnnddd--we beat Buck's Baltimore Boneheads again, 6 in a row now and back in second place. Only four behind in the all-important loss column. If only Grandy can ding a toenail or something and never get past AA rehab games, we might have a shot. But only if Cervelli gets back. And maybe Jeter, if he's ambulatory.

    Ichiro is batting .279. If I may put words into the Master's mouth, "He's on a Dynamite Roll!!"

  6. Today's game -- Sunday -- is critical. A win today makes it 7 in a row, and I believe I am being totally realistic, with KC and Minny coming to town, in saying that 14 in a row is within our grasp, if we can only get past the Birds today. Totally realistic. You can take it to the bank.

  7. No seven in a row and I hear thunder in the distance.

  8. John M, you are a pretty cool dude, but you are totally wrong about Grandy. The Bronx Bloopers are desperately in need of somebody who can smack one over that short porch in rightfield a couple times a week. And the Mighty Suzuki, with his below average OBP and 5 homers in more than half a season, should be nothing more than a fourth outfielder on a team trying to make the playoffs.


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