Sunday, August 4, 2013

Catching Up On Some High Notes

I stayed aboard for the Yankees' 3-0 win last night, rejoicing when we went above that dreaded 2 run barrier.

So, hoping to pass on some additional optimistic notes to all our friends, I picked up the following dirt:

1.  Pineda ( who I said when the trade for Jesus was originally announced ; " will never pitch for the Yankees") was pulled from whatever lobbing he was doing yesterday due to, " stiffness in his shoulder."

An MRI is scheduled.

2.  Perhaps as a model for Pineda's future, it is with no regret or surprise that I announce the,
 " retirement from baseball of our top pick in 2007, Andy Brackman."

He is headed to europe in hopes of signing on with any basketball team.  His asset, as we all recall, is his length toward the ceiling of elevators.

Unless we are awarded some other team's entire minor league system, in compensation for A-Rod's upcoming suspension, this franchise is to be a joke.

 For years.

Our best pitching prospect is Banuelos and he is likely to have surgery again this season.

Our best hitting prospect is......


  1. Disappointed that there was no Romine HR call.

  2. Recycled from Austin Kearns. Austin powers one into left field!

  3. best hitting prospect: Texiera, when he heals. He's got some pop, and should be able to keep his average above .225. Strike outs and groundouts may be a bit excessive, but he's got power.


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