Monday, August 19, 2013

Sign this man to a contract tonight ...

Yeah, he's been out of baseball for a couple years, there's got to be a spot in the bullpen for anyone who Tweets this:


  1. I am proud to say that Nitkowski and I are of the Polish persuasion, genetically predisposed to long-simmering revenge and putting one in the dwarf monkey's buck-toothed beard. Boston's extreme lack of class and goofy facial hair once again came to the fore last night, and A-Rod, a man of dubious class himself in many respects, kept his cool and put Dempster in his place: the deep center field seats.

    As an equally proud Duque minion, along with KD, I must however take issue with the despairing post following the seemingly cataclysmic Kuroda loss. Although I felt exactly the same way at the time, it pained me to read that. But, yeah, OK, it really wasn't much of an issue.

    But who would have thought that the Fat Man, the CC who does not stand for Calorie Counter, the 100-pitch eater of innings and cougher up of 5-run hairballs, would emerge victorious last night? Not long ago, I said that if we can score 10 runs every time CC pitches, we might win some of those games, and darned if we didn't do it with only 9. And that's on top of a truly great game pitched by Pops Pettitte.

    What's next? Philly cheesesteak pitches more than one good game in a row? Has the pitching universe turned inside out? Is Kuroda hitting a rough patch while the rough patches known as his rotation mates come to life?

    Damn, that A-Rod HR felt good. Didn't it? And Gardner comes through over Victorino's head (which of course the ESPN highlight announcer said is the kind of ball he usually catches out there...can't let any Yankee get credit, after all).

    Magical. And only 6 games behind in the all-important loss column with, what, 7 or 8 head-to-heads coming up. Joy in Mudville.

  2. Yes, exactly, John! Let's rally round the flag, boys, and while we're at it, let's enjoy -- even embrace -- the fact that our rally seems to have started with the reemergence of the increasingly bizarre A-Rod. I mean, this guy who went over the edge to weird a long time ago now seems to be trying to enter some realm of experimental fiction.

    In any case, Girardi did us all proud last night, especially when he screamed directly at Farrell.

    I had let my Boston guard down a bit. You know, the bombing, inept and anonymous baseball players, etc. Well, it's back on know. Everybody gets checked at the door for Boston allegiances. Dumpster, he's a dead man. The umpire, a Boston lover, obviously, needs five more to the throat as penance. Schilling, he should take a job with Fox Sports 1 and spend the rest of his life "analyzing" celebrity sports. It's on!

  3. Yes, you say it well, John M. It's hard to maintain a forgiving attitude when you are hemmed in by Germany and Russia. It's a rough neighborhood, like the Bronx.

  4. Brian Cashman, general Manager of the soon-to-be World Champion NY YankeesAugust 19, 2013 at 11:14 PM

    Say, this Nitkowski guy pitched for the Mets, eh? I always take a chance on injured Mets hurlers. So, yeah, I'll try him out for a contract, just as soon as I finish working out this deal that sends Brett Gardner to the Red Sox for veteran Ryan Dempster.


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