Monday, September 16, 2013

Even Ying and Yang Are Dead

It used to be that if the Yankees had a great year, the (NFL) Giants would be a disaster.

And the reverse was also true.

Now, we seem to have entered a new "Karma Zone," wherein the Yankees and the Giants can simultaneously, and sequentially, suck.

I have been saying all year, that Brian Cashman is a failure, and should be long gone.   He piggybacked upon the wealth of George Steinbrenner, and helped purchase necessary, augmenting players who won numerous championships.  The real work of recent great teams, however, had nothing to do with Cashman.

It was Gene Michael who brought us Derek, Bernie, Jorge, Andy and Mariano.  A core that Cashman could spend around.  A core that, only today, is eroding to the max.

The legacy that Cashman drafted and traded for includes; Phil Hughes, Joba, Jason Nix, Andy Brackman, a brace of .210 hitting catchers, Michael Pineda, Banuelos  and Dellin Bettances.  I can extend this list all the way to "A" ball, and the conclusion is the same;  we are nothing, and have nothing.

If Cashman was paid a commission by hospitals for various forms of arm surgery, he'd be a hero.  But he is supposed to provide exciting young talent which can thrive at the major league level.  Who can deliver when we need a big hit or defensive play.  Instead, we have guys who strike out, hit into double plays, get picked off bases, throw the ball into the dugout and just miss making big catches in the outfield.

El Duque says that, if the Yankees declare a re-building " ( which they NEVER will do ), we have a chance to be competitive with Boston in maybe two years.

I disagree.

It will take a totally new administration ( GM, coaching, talent evaluators, talent developers, scouting, drafting, and trades that work rather than suck the life out of us ) to give us any future hope.  That is a five year project, minimum.

But the Yankees will not do so.  Here is the plan they will execute to:

1.  We had a rough year with injuries, and next season we'll be far healthier and the injury bug will bite someone else.

2.  There is no need to re-build.  We get a number of top ( paid ) veterans back, and we a lot of our youngsters got some playing time this season.  Pitchers and position players!

3.  Tex will be back at full strength, as will Derek ( our captain ).  CC had an off year, but he'll come back with fire in his arm and eyes.  If A-Rod can postpone his suspension, or work out a shorter  suspension ( e.g 56 days ) he'll be back for the post all star break push.

 Ichiro has another year and Grandy will be healthy for a full season..  Gardener and Cano, our two best players in 2013, will be rested and healthy.  We just need to add an arm or two ( Pineda, for example ) and a bullpen ace ( we can buy someone from Japan ).

4.  Joe Girardi did his best managing job, ever, this year.  He and his coaching staff are a real strength.

What I am saying is that you will see the same team next year (minus Mariano) and plus one or two free agents ( no one on the team, however, will be under 30 ).

And the result will be the same.  Actually, the result will be worse.

Boston is winning because they changed everything and everyone in the front office, and numerous old warriors on the field.

We must do the same.  But we won't.


  1. If the Yankees cannot make it to the post-season, then Boston and Detroit must be prevented from reaching the World Series. Deliver us, O Oakland A's . . . .

  2. I'll be rooting for a Cleveland v. Pittsburgh World Series: Nick Swisher v. Russell Martin. Too bad Ichiro Suzuki will never play in one.

  3. I hear you, joe. WS MVP= A.J. Burnett, who will thank all the people who believed in him.

  4. At what point does it become irrational to invest your rooting interest--your powers of affection and identification--for an organization that is plainly so inept and sleazy, that demolished America's Roman Colosseum and thus severed the karmic links with the great Yankee tradition that they now cynically market for hedge-fund VPs while pricing out working-class fans?

    Enough already. Go Buck, Go O's.

  5. I can tell you honestly, Anon, that if I could, I would.

  6. Earl Weaver's O's, maybe. The current iteration, no. Never.

    The Mets do have a nice stadium. No reason to leave home. Good young pitchers. A goofy mascot.

    God, what am I saying?? The Mets??? No, not even in my worst moments of frustration, with God as my witness, I will never go hungry, I mean, I won't be a Mets fan.

    Can you watch the Staten Island Yankees online, maybe?


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