Thursday, September 26, 2013

Five Reasons To Watch Tonight's Game:

1. It will be the last time you get to see Mariano pitch in pinstripes.

2.  It will be the final opportunity to see Andy Pettitte sit around in pinstripes.

3.  It will be the last time you will see Derek, MO, and Andy together in pinstripes.

4.  It may be the last time you get to see A-Rod spit in pinstripes.

5.  It is the end of the season in pinstripes.


  1. I'll have three fingers of scotch.

  2. Dellin Betances currently has what is in my opinion one of the all-time most awe-inspiring stats in the history of the game. His ERA and K/9 are the same:


    Not that I wish the young man ill, but if he never faces another major league batter, he gets to keep that mind-blowing statistic for eternity.

    You see, we Yankee fans DO still have something to root for! (Along with Mariano playing center against the Astros.)


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