Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rejoice, fellow damned souls of the Yankiverse: In Baltimore, playing in pain, a new Yankee hero is born; o come let us behold him...


  1. see the steely glint in his eye? see the jaunty cock of the head? or the confident stubble on his chin, each whisker a sign of his manly belief in good things to come. Clutch heroics are in this man's near future.

  2. Tom, well-stated. Let's hope you have a gift for prescience.

    This man has a lot to prove, but as far as I can tell, A-Rod may be only guilty of seeking PEDs that were legal or not yet banned. Engaged in a conspiracy to obey the rules as written and become the best player he can be given his age and health. And for this, Bud makes him his the PED poster-devil, harassed and jeered around the league and even at home by sunshine Yankee "fans".

    He is now my ideal for determination in the face of adversity.


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