Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Something We Haven't Considered.....

As I watched RA Dickey undress hitter after hitter, it occurred to me that something beyond Yankee incompetence could be happening.

Is it possible that this team has already left the building?

That they are, " mailing it in?"

I think a number of these players ( one or two, anyway ) remember the humiliation, last play-off season, in Detroit.  Where no one could do anything on the Yankees.  Pitchers couldn't pitch, hitters couldn't hit, and no one could catch or throw.

Suddenly, the Yankees were  a team to be bullied.  To be taunted and embarrassed. Almost as if the baseball gods ( or fairies, depending ) were providing "payback" for all the years of well-earned world championships.

Who wants to be bullied?

Perhaps it is better to simply fold up the tent during the normal season and, thereby, avoid another spectacle of shame.

Imagine, if you will, winning a one-game play-in only to face Boston again, this time losing by 15-20 runs per game.  Imagine having to use Cano and Romine on the mound, in relief, to close out games because everyone else has been hammered.

Who would want the great Mariano to leave with that memory?

I think the orders have come in from Cashman.

It is over.  Don't score any runs.



  1. Joe Girardi, soon-to-be-unemployed but still manager of the 27-time World Champion New York Yankees,September 18, 2013 at 9:17 AM

    Hey, fans! My binder is bulging as we approach the thrilling climax of the season. Yes, the Yankees challenge the formidable Houston Astros on their home [Astro]turf. The competition to be the worst team in the American League has been intense. We out-mediocred the BlueJays yesterday. Now we have set our sights on Houston. Mailing it in, Alphonso? We have not yet begun to fight! Plenty of seats available down yonder in Texas. See Mark Reynolds make his MLB pitching debut against the Astros' sluggers.

  2. I've seen this before. had a submissive dog once that loved to roll over and expose his vulnerable under belly. what we are seeking is mercy. we know we are inferior, we won't fight. please don't hurt us.

  3. Delighted to report that Matt Harvey, the arrogant punk who plunked Robby Cano in the All-Star game, made an ass of himself on the Dan Patrick ESPN radio show today. Harvey just wanted to plug a product he's endorsing, rather than answer questions about his baseball career. Who does this guy think he is? Glad he's with the Mets. We don't want him on the Yankees. Heard that, Brian?


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