Monday, September 2, 2013

When The Stakes Are This High, Is It Still Lazy To Repost?

From Nov. 19, 2010.


  1. During yesterday's broadcast, Michael Kay said Vernon Wells was in the lineup to face the left hander, even though Ichiro is batting .349 (or 69 or 89...don't remember exactly) against left handers. And in inimitable Kay logic, he said, 'but if you don't play Wells against left handers, then when do you play him?'

    This gets my vote as one of the dumbest comments made by a Yankees broadcaster. Topped only by Girardi actually putting Wells in instead of Sneetch. Which, incredibly, he's done yet again today against the White Sox.

    I thought we were trying to win as many games as possible, but I guess if you bench a guy who's hitting in the mid .300s against lefties when you face a lefty, there's another agenda.

    We can speculate all we want about what it actually going on, but one thing is clear: putting in Wells when we really, really, really need to win while we bench a guy who's doing a really, really, really better job is really, really, really dumb as shit.

    Maybe Joe wants to pursue managerial options during the offseason. Houston is beautiful this time of year.

    Even noted Ichiro hater Mr. de Pastry has to agree with me on this one.

  2. Not to beat a dead Johnny Rocket burger, but check out these splits for Iciro. We're playing at home, on grass, and against a lefty. So sure, you play Wells. Makes perfect sense.

    vs Left .340
    vs Right .239

    Home Games .311
    Away Games .233

    On Grass .276
    On Turf .226

    Is Girardi still holding that grudge about Pearl Harbor? Is he taking out the whole Fukoshima situation on the wrong guy? Did he get some bad sushi at the Sunoco Mini Mart? Let it go already, man, we're supposed to be trying to win here.

  3. Future Hall of Famer Ichiro SuzukiSeptember 2, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    Thank you, John M, for honoring me with your incisive commentary. Next year I will be in right field. Mr. Girardi will be a coach with the Miami Marlins. Handsome Mr. Wells will be proprietor of the Sunoco Mini Mart you mention.

  4. New Jersey Governor (and next President of the USA), the once-honorable Chris Christie,September 2, 2013 at 1:41 PM

    Too late on John Sterling, as well. He won't be back next year either. I am exceedingly pleased to announce that John "The Master" Sterling has agreed to be Rand Paul's campaign manager. You eatin' that Johnny Rocket burger or can I have it?

  5. Hank Steinbrenner, co-chairman of the New York Yankees and unabashed chain-smoker,September 2, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    Happy Labor Day, fans! I'd like to interject during this unfortunate rain delay yet another mindless promotion to boost ticket sales in September. Following Mariano Rivera Bobble Head Day (24 September) and Charlie Brown Bobble Head Day (and this is a first time tribute to quasi-Yankee veteran of the 1970s Charlie Brown) the next day, the Yankees are pleased to announce Brian Cashman Bobble Head Day. Yes, on the 26th of September the first 368fans to go through the Yankee Stadium turnstiles will receive a Brian Cashman Bobble Head complete with a rappelling rope around its neck and a pack of Bobble Head mini-condoms in its shirt pocket. Plenty of seats available. C'mon down and watch the Yankee bullpen give up multiple home runs to Evan Longoria.

  6. The Brian Cashman bobble head just traded itself for a Yogi Berra bobble head, just to make sure we have a veteran catcher onboard for the stretch run. The Yogi bobble head will be the fourth oldest bobble head on the team, after the Vic Raschi, Red Ruffing and Orlando Hernandez bobble heads. All four are expected to start against the Red Sox later this week.

  7. Vic Raschi Bobble Head (made from wood, not vinyl)September 2, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    I saw the tape. Don't worry, A-Rod, two Sox boneheads are going to hear, and feel, some 1950s chin music.

  8. They both stink.

  9. At least when we watch Ichiro we are watching one of the greatest the game has ever produced, albeit in his dotage. Plus, for me, there is just something about his spirit that is compelling. who else would fake out the fans for fun, making them believe a deep fly was sailing over the fence for a game-changing home run? Suzuki just makes me smile.

  10. Ichiro doesn't stink against lefties, that's for sure. They oughta play him against the left handers and have Wells play against the right handers. I mean, if you don't play him against the right handers, when are you going to play him? (Michael Kay insult here)


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