Friday, October 18, 2013


They're talking about us signing 39-year-old Joe Nathan to replace Mo.  Yes, Joe Nathan, who could demand $11 to $14 million, want a two-year deal and maybe cost us our first-round draft pick, if Texas makes a qualifying offer.

We could be older next year than we were in 2013. Can you imagine that?

OK, OK, I hear you: Certain money figures and circumstances can justify any acquisition. If Joe Nathan comes cheap, and without strings - yeah, maybe it makes sense. But he's coming off a great year - 43 saves - and he's way past his sell date. He's at the breakdown point, and by now, Yankee fans out to be getting tired of such players.

We cannot continue to bloat with ancient bodies always a gonad-tweak from retirement or worse - terminal mediocrity. (I'm talking to you, Ichiro.) At some point, we have to get younger. Yes, the Redsocks turned it around last year with veteran signings - that's because they dumped bad salaries on LA and kept a solid farm system. Until we start developing young players - and part of the process is showing faith in the ones we have - we will be a listless, floating blob, always chasing that last Wild Card slot - the one game season.

Who will replace Mariano? Nobody. That's who. Maybe we just have to use our best pitcher out of the bullpen for a while. Maybe we have to find somebody. This year, the Redsocks went through three closers before finding the best one in baseball, whom they're paying a pittance. Maybe nobody will replace Mo. But Joe Nathan for two years - God, maybe he'd want three - would end the competition from the git-go. We'd be paying him too much to bench. No, no, NOOOOOO....


  1. Chasing the last wild card slot? How about barely keeping a head above the cellar. That seems like a more accurate appraisal.

  2. We will absolutely be older next year.

    And, likely, far worse.

    What young prospect would ever want to sign with the Yankees?

    As long as Cashman ,and the same old group of "Yankee management personnel," keep signing 38-41 year old veterans, there is no shot ever available.

    Another bad signal; we re-signed Rothchild. Just proves there is no change on the horizon.

    Don 't you think this might just be a bit demoralizing if younger 22 and stuck on a Yankee minor league team?

  3. Of course I agree with the thrust of the post. No sane person could disagree (comments on my sanity aside). But I will point out that if Ichiro was used correctly--batting only against lefties, even as a DH--he's still very useful. And his defense is still above average.

    Also, the overpriced retreads in LA just missed getting to the Series. If their ace hadn't had a meltdown last night, a situation we can relate to, they might have made it. Still, they had some youth that definitely helped, which we lack.

    I was watching 'Moneyball' yet again last night, and had to wonder if and how much Cashman's ideas have been thwarted by Girardi misusing the roster. Of course, Joe G was re-signed, so there seems to be tacit approval of his boneheadedness by the front office, but you never know.

    Regardless, I'm not looking forward to the Aged Cripples of '14 World Tour. It will be painful.


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