Sunday, October 6, 2013

Yankeetorial: What could possibly make this wretched season worse? How about if the Redsocks steamroll everyone else and win it?

Because right now, that's what 2013 looks like: A Boston world championship. Tap the kegs, frat boys. And when everyone drunkenly chants, "Yankees suck," they'll just be making an honest observation.

We may have only scratched the surface of our ignominity.

In the next few days, we could lose Joe Girardi. I suspect he told the Yankees he'll tomorrow. If he leaves, wow.  It would not only be a loss of managerial talent, but a huge revelation of organizational problems.

And Robbie Cano. What if he goes? That could happen by Thanksgiving. If he signs with Detroit, or Cleveland, or any AL team with promising young players, they'd become favorites for at least five years. And let's be honest: Right now, we're chasing the last Wild Card slot in 2014. Any AL team that signs Cano is the team that could take that slot from us.

By December, we could be sitting out the auctions for the next wave of international players - as we have done for the last four years. Yep, we can watch other teams feast on Cuban and Japanese talent, while Cashman bores in the players that get released. That's how we've been doing it.

By mid-December, we can watch Hughes and Chamberlain go without making them a qualifying offer - not even getting a draft pick in return - knowing that both are young enough to turn around their careers.  More than likely, anybody we sign to replace them will be - yep - older. Hard to imagine, but we could field an older team next year.

And then there's A-Rod. . Banned or not, we're lashed to him via lawsuits - thick with acrimony. It's easy to foresee him never playing for us again - though for another team - while we pay his 90 percent of his salary - saddled with a mountain of debt for years to come.

Sorry to be so negative here. But the Redsocks are rolling over Tampa, and we are swirling around the drain. It's amazing how hopeless this team looks right now.


  1. I fear that you are " spot on" with each dire forecast.

    I only differ with respect to your claim that the Yankees next year will be chasing the 2014 wild card spot.

    I don't think we"ll be in the running.

  2. El Duque, once again you've put into words my most dreaded fears concerning this Yankee team and it's "venerable" DIS-Organization.
    And I'm also in agreement with Alphonso, I don't see any real run in the cards for at least a few years,,,,
    Dark days my friends, VERY dark days!


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