Monday, November 11, 2013

The Grandy Man scrams



  1. I hope this doesn't impact the Master's performance at the Kitten Bowl...

  2. Yeah, but we could still sign him. You think he thought the 14.1 million was too much? Maybe he actually wants less.

    I loved the story online, how his agent is selling his achievements during the first two years with the Yanks. 87 HRs, most in baseball. All he needs to do is sign with any other AL team that has a really short porch in right field, and he'll be tearing up the league. Just for the record, Grandy made $18,250,000 in '11 and '12. Divided by 87, that's over $210,000. Those are some pricey dingers.

    Hey, wait....87! That's higher than his average, though, isn't it? How about that?


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