Saturday, November 9, 2013

Yankees bringing back all coaches, keeping all top executives, interested in all free agents

Saturday Fun Fact: With the latest additions of Dan Haren, Bronson Arroyo and the cast of "Glee," the list of MLB free agents being "seriously considered" by the New York Yankees - if printed in Arial 14-point font - stretches to the moon and back three times!

Meanwhile, the shortest known list is of people the Yankees do NOT want back: Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain and A-Rod.

The Yankees have become baseball's version of the NSA: They're watching everybody. Right now, Brian Cashman is constantly refreshing the Wikipedia entry of Curtis Granderson, waiting for an update that will determine whether the Yankees are suddenly lacking a power-hitting OF on the way down - in which case, they will give up their hard-earned 18th pick in the draft, and chase Carlos Beltran.

Last winter, although we didn't know it at the time, Hal Steinbrenner's decision to refuse Russell Martin a multi-year contract (and then give one to Ichiro) effectively killed the 2013 season. Considering how close the Yankees came to winning the exciting one-game, away-field Wild Card birth, it's hard to underestimate the addition of a catcher who could actually hit a Ruthian .230. 

Now, they're saying the failure of the Yankee farm system is prompting Hal to taking a firmer grip on the franchise till. That means we are looking at everybody, Bronson Arroyo and Dan Haren, included.

I have nothing against looking at everybody. Frankly, it's a defensible plan. Look. At. Everybody. Makes sense to me.

But for those of you scoring at home, it was early in Old George's 14-year barf - the deadest time in modern Yankee history - when the owner took everything into his own hands and chased Bob Shirley and Eddie Lee Whitson. Back then, the team was generally viewed as a poisonous place to play, with an angry fan base and a vengeful, if not crazy person at the top.

We can look at everybody. Why not? But the 2014 team - as it currently shapes up - looks like an absolute train wreck. Who is our ace? Who is our closer? Who plays 3B? Who plays 100 games at SS? And on that huge list, the one that includes the cast of "Glee," what names are going to make a difference?

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