Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Possible Titles for A-Rod's Book

Tuesdays With Yogi

Angels and Damons

Hit, Pray, Love

The Bridges of Mariano County

What We Talk About When We Talk About Jeet
Prisoner No More: One Man's Escape from the Steinbrenner-Selig Plantation Gulag

Leader of the Banned: The Life and Times of Baseball's Mandela

"You're So Good, You Must Be Juicing," and Other Tales from Life's On-Deck Circle

One Hundred Games of Solitude

The Boy Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest

Yankee Doodle Dew... or Die? Why I Will Never Stop Defending My Name and the Rights of Baseball Players Everywhere
 Bat on a Hot Tin Roof

An A-Bomb from A-Rod

I Know Why the Caged Yankee Sings


  1. Please Don't Call Me A-Suck

    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Mind If I Kiss That Guy Who's Staring Back at Me?

    I Slap Balls (Along the First Base Line)

  2. More Titles for A-Rod's Book:

    The Unnatural

    Bullshit Durham

    The Hustler

    New Name for the new Yankee Stadium:

    Needle Park

    Theme Song for the New Yankee Stadium:

    "There Used to Be a Ballpark"

    Song to Be Played After Yankee Victories:

    "Pocketful of Miracles"

    Song to Be Played After Yankee Losses:

    "Try to Remember"


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