Saturday, December 7, 2013

"... the state of a Yankee fan's life right now..."

A friend writes...
I have been working hard all week and missed an opportunity to participate in a series of email rants written by high school friends, college friends, and work friends. I decided to take a little break last night and I wrote a few rants of my own concerning $189MM caps, McCann, Ellsbury, et al. At the end, I signed off with "I need a beer."

I stood up, went to the fridge, and discovered I had none, so I went out to buy a 6-pack.

My liquor store is a little neighborhood affair.

It's run by a little Portuguese guy who's a big time New England Sports fan. Among other things, he was chosen as "Patriots Fan of the Year" by the NE Patriots and participated in an on-field ceremony in which he was given a plaque, etc. from Bob Kraft himself. This guy is a serious fan.

He says: "Do you know why Ellsbury went to the Yankees?"

He knows I'm a Yankee fan, and I see his sh*t-eating grin forming, so I half-know what's coming.

Because I'm a good sport, I say "Why?"

He says: "Because he was sick of playing baseball in October."

I left thinking I should have gotten 2 six packs...

That's the state of a Yankee fan's life right now.

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