Friday, February 7, 2014

I Want To See His Teeth !

Okay, I'm back.

Kicked by a wild horse in a rodeo while recruiting rancheros and cabbelleros ( who can spell in a language they don't speak?) for my South Mexican dirt field league team, I suffered a temporary setback.  Broken this and that.  Fractures here and there.

It was also necessary that I disappear in the hills for a while, due to some ( rumored ) illegal trafficking of something or other at the rodeo, of which I had no part. That is my official position , and I am sticking to it.

Prediction number one:  My team in the South Mexican dirt field league this season is:

A.  Younger than the Yankees ( although there are numerous, former major leaguers on the roster just as there are this season in the Bronx).

B.  Would beat the Yankees in any playoff wild-card game ( which the Yankees won't be in ).

Prediction number two:  Pineda will not pitch at Yankee stadium this year.

Prediction number three:   He will be just as useless in relief as he was as a starter.  Logically, that means he won't be coming north, either.

Now to the the main point.  The one about dentistry.

When I first saw Kei Igawa, he looked like an under-fed horse who's lips had been injured in a fight with a barbed wire fence.  I knew immediately, that his face ( the portion below his nose, most
 notably) was so embarrassing to him, that he would not be able to pitch in front of ;

A.  People
B.  TV cameras
C.  Microphones
D.  Chris Christy

Other than the money pissed away annually on our " farm " system (" farm" in the general sense of drought-infected fields, and scrawny, infected bovines ), the investment in Kei Igawa was Cashman's greatest public disgrace.  A panic move ( pants were soiled ) in response to Boston's signing of Dice K.

THE BRILLIANT Cashman made Igawa the King of our farm system after appearance one, and we never saw him again.  I always maintained that if the Yankees had taken him to a good orthodontist, he would have a shot.  They didn't so he didn't.

Which brings me to the point;  This new guy from Japan.  This orca ball specialist who never loses;

Show me his friggen teeth.  If he looks good in front of a camera, we can at least have hope for a week or two.  If he ( his teeth ) reminds anyone of Kei Igawa's pearlies, take him to Scranton now.

You always look at a horses' teeth before you buy, right?


  1. I second that Alphonso!

  2. Great you're back. things have been far too optimistic around here!

  3. Alphonso H. Christ, if we ever needed you, we need you now. Just this week, Duque shed tears for Curt Schilling AND Jay Leno!

  4. stay away and take mustang with you

  5. always check the teeth unless the horse is a gift. kinda explains Wells, doesn't it?

  6. As a sign of gratitude for how my son was saved from autism, I decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
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