Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pay no attention to that snowman behind the curtain. Winter is over. We're still here.

Holy crap. We made it. We're still here.

For a while, I didn't think we would be. There was that nightmare post-season - who won, anyway? - and then the A-Rod thing, and then Robbie, and then Tanaka, and we still only have half an infield... but - hey, we're here. We're still here.

Today, shortly after 1 p.m., the snow starts melting, the gloves go away, and the Christmas lights come down - mentally, anyway. Today, The Master and his Queen will suck on Luden's Cough Drops, readying their harmonic cords for tomorrow's first radio broadcast.  They made it. They're still here.

Tonight, there will be a box score. A BOX SCORE! Tomorrow, there will be a hero and a goat, a pitcher who looked solid and one who couldn't find the plate. There will be a young hitter - Zolio Almonte is usually Mr. February - who raises eyebrows, and a veteran who looks posed for a comeback. He made it. He's still here.

I live in Syracuse, New York, a place where snowflakes come to die, and the car only finally gets warm when you've arrived at your destination, on the shore of a lake whose water looks made from frozen concentrate. We still have five weeks of snow, of road salt and fender benders, of green beer and cabin fever, leading up to that annual true end of winter - the moment SU basketball is bounced from the NCAA tournament. Yes, we have at least 40 days left, bouncing from snowmageddons to snowgasms.

But we made it, everybody. Congratulations! We're still here!  We're still here!


  1. The way this year has been going, we'll probably get snowed on during the April home games. Enough with the snow already. Give us a warm spring!!

  2. The world was a lot warmer than it should have been this winter. When you factor in New York State, Florida and Atlanta, that means everyone else on the planet must have sweated their falafels off.

  3. So funny to read this... I had the same thought. It's been a long winter in a lot of ways (weather, personal, etc.) but it has to end some time and we are still here! And soon, the Yanks will be too.


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