Thursday, February 20, 2014

Robothug: Russia unveils a special, advanced breed of law enforcement specialist

If you haven't had a chance to see the Russian "cossacks" break up Pussy Riot's street performance in Sochi, you're missing one of the great moments in cowardice.

A handful of women are singing in a square - you know the deal, making a street scene - so the police, or the militia, or whatever they call themselves, roll in with horse-whips, mace and their steel-toed boots, and beat up the women because - well - I guess because they can.

At one point, you get to see a woman knocked to the pavement and then get kicked around by these arbiters of justice. What heroes. What warriors. What soldiers in the war on public safety. Beating women with whips. They must be so proud!

Over the last couple months, I've tried to give the Russians the benefit of the doubt with the Olympics, what with all the problems they were facing. I figured it was a case of the U.S. news media, safe in NY or LA, covering another country far more critically than it ever covers America. (Another form of cowardice, by the way.) Also, I wondered if Pussy Riot wasn't just an exaggerated media excuse to show pictures of pretty women, while pretending an actual socio-political movement was taking place. (I certainly don't know enough about Russia to make a judgment worth passing on to anyone.)

But watching the thugs beat up those women... that image won't go away for a long time.  

1 comment:

  1. Little Eddie Snowden, hero of the oppressedFebruary 20, 2014 at 3:16 PM

    Those images have been generated by NSA trickery. Russia is a free country which guarantees full human rights and absolute privacy for all individuals. Vlad told me so himself.


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