Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Top 15 all-time coolest Yankees (continued): Numbers 7 through 5

Remember this, from the Smithsonian's "American Cool" exhibition: What do we mean when we say someone is "cool"? Cool is a supreme compliment that evokes people who exude rebellious self-expression, charisma, edge, and mystery.

Wait a minute. Did they say mystery? Hmm... That vaults Kevin Maas into the top 100! But not quite here.

Continuing our quest...

7. Bernie Williams:  Only Yankee to be nominated for Grammy; classical guitarist, once covered Dust in the Wind;  entire career as Yankee; Caribbean champion  sprinter at age 15; while in minors, took pre-med courses in college; was nearly traded for Darren Lewis (SF), Lance Johnson (Cubs), and guy named Mike Drumright (DET); first to win batting title, Golden Glove and WS ring in same year; won huge contract negotiation with George; last ex-player introduced before final game at Yankee Stadium, his ovation lasted 102 seconds; collaborated with Bella Fleck, Bruce Springsteen and Ruben Blades; signed to Paul McCartney's label; forward for memoir written by Paul Simon. Cool.

6. Bucky Dent: Appeared in movie Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders  as love interest to Jane Seymour;  posed for Playgirl magazine in swimsuit; grew up with step-parents and told of biological mom at age 10; was 6th pick in 1970 draft; hit THE home run, beat Redsocks, won Series MVP, was given middle name in Boston; returned to Fenway in 2003 and sat atop Green Monster, where THE home run landed; charmed Boston fans with grace and humor; became huge eighties sex symbol via pinup poster; couldn't go to corner store for pack of cigarettes without getting laid.

5.Joe Pepitone:  Yankees' self-destructive ambassador to 1960s counter-culture; as teen, blew whole signing bonus partying en route to spring training; replaced both Moose Skowron and Ernie Banks at 1B; posed nude (all out) for Foxy Lady magazine; did four months at Rikers Island on drug conviction (coke and ludes); played in Japan, but hung out in discos so much that "Pepitone" became Japanese vernacular for "goofing off;" owned two toupees, including his "game piece;" at age 52, arrested for punching guy who called him "has been;" one DWI; three All-Star games; three Golden Gloves; three divorces; named in three Seinfeld episodes, two Curb Your Enthusiasms, plus a Sopranos, a Golden Girls, a West Wing, a Rescue Me and a Mystery Science Theater 3000; fictional character in three novels; his critically acclaimed memoir "Joe, You Coulda Made Us Proud," full of harsh truths; Wikipedia page calls him "something of a cultural icon;" we called him "Pepi." He was cool.

 Coming tomorrow, numbers 4 and 3.


  1. Sidney Ponson. He punched a judge!

  2. Jeter is way cool, right? put him on your list, duque. 2014 will be his last year. He'll go out like Mo. Very cool.

  3. Jeter is cool. If he cares what we think, he never lets on.

  4. Paul O'Neil and his skinny guy roid rage is as cool as it gets.

  5. As long as Pepi is in the top 5, I'm fine.

    Still kind of like Roy White for the list, but I don't think he'd come in in the top 4, so....

    Too many choices over the years. I mean, Bill Dickey was pretty cool in his way. Did you already say Waite Hoyt? Just for the name alone...

  6. If the Thunder from Down Under, Graeme Lloyd, doesn't win coolest Yankee ever than this list is nothing.

    Never Forget


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