Monday, April 14, 2014

It Takes A Minor League System

Another big Yankee win last night.

A few curious developments;

1.  Derek not in line-up.  He developed a quad strain giving all those high fives for Yankee homers from the day before.

2.  Roberts not in line-up.  The question here is whether his 0-April batting streak caused lower back pain, or the lower back pain caused the 0-April streak.

3.  Tex still in Florida, we think.  Getting the message that a no name called Kelly Johnson already looks better.

What are combined salaries of the above three non-participants?

4.  Cervelli steps on the rattlesnake again.  Color him out for 6 weeks, and fragile after that.  Time for a trade when he appears healthy?

5.  Robbie still tweaked from warming up too many times.  The psychologists have a name for what he has ( grab the brass ring, finally, then shoot yourself in the foot syndrome ).

6.  Beltran at first because Johnson has to play third, Solarte has to play second, and Anna has to play shortstop.  Let me say that again;  Beltran at first.

7.  McCann out for X-rays?  Nana to be back-up catcher?

8.  Someone saw CC Sabathia with a first baseman's glove in the dugout in the bottom of the 7th.

Is this working out as planned or as we knew it would?

Hope that feast of young talent in the minors is ready for the call-up.  What do you think, Mr. Cashman?

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