Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Confirmed: Yanks in freefall


  1. Key the "Doors" music: "This is the end; my only friend, the end."

    {sound of choppers}

  2. Don't worry I've seen this guy throw, he can fucking deal.

    (Obviously this is not true)

  3. Hey, let's not slit our wrists quite yet. We got Tanaka. The rest of the rotation may be in shambles, but hey, who knows who comes up and beats his chest and says he's the boss? We've been talking about minor league talent. Now let's see if we've got any minor league talent.

  4. Bad News for Tom:

    No one has been talking about any minor league talent.

  5. we've been talking about creating a home-grown team, not buying players based on what they've done and instead getting them before they do it.


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